Thursday Jun 19, 2014
The Temporal and Eternal Mind
Thursday Jun 19, 2014
Thursday Jun 19, 2014
Tonight’s message by Brian Orme is bound to expand your mind, soul, and spirit to new dimensions. He teaches that our minds are either “temporal,” and focused on the cares of this world, or “eternal”, and focused on Heaven.
This sermon also talks about: How we are in the world but not of it. How God exists outside of time and is always on time. What it means to live life as "a butterfly," not a caterpillar. The question, what is time? Why Demons are weak unless we empower them, and the power of agreement.
As your wisdom develops, you are meant to expand. Are you ready to get out of your box?
Listen in: but hold on to your listening hats...this message might blow your mind!
Version: 20241125