Thursday Feb 05, 2015
Unlock Your Gifting - The Role of the FiveFold Ministry
Thursday Feb 05, 2015
Thursday Feb 05, 2015
When you got saved and began to follow Jesus, it's likely you were faced with vexing questions like "What do I do now?" or "how does God want to use me?" or "how do I partner with God in redeeming the world?" Millions of Christians don't know their purpose on a practical level in the kingdom. The answers are far more than programs and busyness. What if we told you that inside of your DNA is the answer to your God-given calling?
Tonight, Eric gives a life-transforming message that will help you discover your exact gifting for how God designed you to impact the world through the FiveFold Ministry. You have no idea how incredibly powerful God made you and the gifting that you are equipped with! In this message, Eric takes the audience through the discovery of their fivefold gifting in a test and affirms each gift. Find out what your Fivefold Gifting is by taking the test at www.FiveFoldMinistry.com